Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Back in the Saddle

    I’m back. It’s been a long process, but, as the saying goes, “anything worth anything takes a while.” If that is true, my life thus far must be priceless!

    As most of you know, in late January, I mad the eastward transition from Changsha, China back to Seattle. Upon reflection, it was a lot harder coming in this direction than it was going in that direction. As to the “why,” I’m still working that one out.

    So…what’s next? Lots of new art! I’m currently working on putting the sketchbook “One Year After,” together for publication. It will contain the 183 ink sketches I produced in 2012, as well as annotations giving the “particulars” for each piece. In addition, there will be an introduction that chronicles how the project came about. Look for the Kickstarter Campaign to start in April or May. More on that as the time approaches.

    I’ve been spending some time out at my storage unit, becoming reacquainted with my worldly goods. The interesting thing about having ones belongings in storage for three years is that you kinda forget what you have. Oh, I could have said, in a general sense, there are books (lots) and art (lots), clothes (not so much), the art board, and odd pieces of furniture.
    However, it’s the particulars one forgets about, like the 3nd edition of Modern Painters by John Ruskin (all five volumes), the Chik-fil-A paraphernalia, animals skulls I’ve collected over the years, a Hello Kitty toaster, my vast collection of mini’s, or just how much art I’ve produced in the past. Boxes and boxes of the stuff.

    All that to say; as incentives on various pledge levels for “One Year After” during the Kickstarter campaign, I’ll be offering copies of my first book, “Ink: Images and Essays from Bob Giadrosich,” the second book I designed, “A Life of Ravens” by Alex Ness, limited-edition prints (older prints that I thought were sold out), and a series of promotional/greeting cards.

    I’m toying with the idea of having some shirts printed up with a few of the images that will be in the book as giveaways, also. I’m thinking specifically about these two images:

    What do you think? I also want to release a set of 12 promotional cards, specifically for the book that will be offered as incentives, with a special designation for the Kickstarter campaign.

    So, lots of things in the works. But I can say, it’s great to be back, and as I get more settled and acclimated, look for new art coming soon!
